We have spaces available on Wednesday mornings and all day friday. Some afternoon spaces are also available.
 We have spaces available on Wednesday mornings and all day friday. Some afternoon spaces are also available.                    

Booking form.

If you would like to reserve a place, please fill in the booking form and return it to us.



Woodlands Pre-School Booking Form
Registered Charity No. 1031863
Name of Child:
Date of Birth:
Please select your first choice of sessions/ days. If the sessions you require are full, we will offer alternative sessions and put you on the waiting list for your first-choice sessions.
Sessions Required
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday   Thursday    Friday
9.15-3.15   9.15-3.15   9.15-12.15   9.15-3.15   9.15-3.15
Am only      Am only                        Am only     Am only
PM only      PM only                         PM only     PM only
Parent/ Carers Name
Telephone number
Email address
• I agree to pay the fees, £6.00 an hour as requested and understand that there will be no refund for absence. 
• I agree to pay an enhanced provision charge once your child is eligible for 3 year old funding:
• 0-14 hours claimed 39p per hour, 15 hours claimed £35 per half term, 16-30 hours claimed £56 per half term.
• I will notify the Manager if my child has an infectious illness and withdraw him/her for the appropriate period.
• I agree to give one half terms notice of withdrawal from any Pre-School session or pay the fee in lieu.
• I have read the Privacy Statement and agree to the collection and storing of my and my child’s personal data as detailed.
• I agree to pay a non-refundable administration fee of £40 to secure a place at Woodlands Preschool. 
Please make payment by our preferred method of bank transfer. 
Natwest: 83685200 Sort Code: 538122 Reference: your child’s name.

Date …………………………………


Registered Charity No. 1031863

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Charity Number: 1031863, Ofsted Number: 507964