If you would like to reserve a place, please fill in the booking form and return it to us.
Woodlands Pre-School Booking Form
Registered Charity No. 1031863
Name of Child:
Date of Birth:
Please select your first choice of sessions/ days. If the sessions you require are full, we will offer alternative sessions and put you on the waiting list for your first-choice sessions.
Sessions Required
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.15-3.15 9.15-3.15 9.15-12.15 9.15-3.15 9.15-3.15
Am only Am only Am only Am only
PM only PM only PM only PM only
Parent/ Carers Name
Telephone number
Email address
• I agree to pay the fees, £6.00 an hour as requested and understand that there will be no refund for absence.
• I agree to pay an enhanced provision charge once your child is eligible for 3 year old funding:
• 0-14 hours claimed 39p per hour, 15 hours claimed £35 per half term, 16-30 hours claimed £56 per half term.
• I will notify the Manager if my child has an infectious illness and withdraw him/her for the appropriate period.
• I agree to give one half terms notice of withdrawal from any Pre-School session or pay the fee in lieu.
• I have read the Privacy Statement and agree to the collection and storing of my and my child’s personal data as detailed.
• I agree to pay a non-refundable administration fee of £40 to secure a place at Woodlands Preschool.
Please make payment by our preferred method of bank transfer.
Natwest: 83685200 Sort Code: 538122 Reference: your child’s name.
Date …………………………………
Registered Charity No. 1031863