We can provide sessions all day from 9:15 to 3:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday mornings only.
Morning sessions from 9.15 to 12.15. The afternoon sessions start at 12:15 to 3:15. Discuss this with our Manger to see which best suits your child's needs.
Breakfast club is from 8.30 am and costs £6.00 including breakfast.
Starting at Pre-School
First Days:
We are very flexible when it comes to “settling in” arrangements as each child is an individual. It is important for parents and pre-school staff to work
together to help the child to feel confident and secure in the session. This takes longer for some children than for others.
What to Wear:
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable and easy for your child to manage independently. They need to wear closed toed shoes at all times for safety reasons.
During the winter months we recommend children wear lots of layers and have a waterproof suit or waterproof trousers and coat. Warm Coats are needed because we will be outside. Gloves, hats and wellies or snowboots are also essential.
Woodlands Pre-School jumpers and t-shirts are available to buy from the pre-school, but are not mandatory.
Food and Drink
Snack Time:
Your child need their own drink in a named bottle or we offer water.
Children are asked to bring in a snack from home consisting of either fruit or vegetables which will be shared with the group.
The children will select and prepare with supervision their own snack promoting independence.
Drinking Water:
Drinking water is available throughout the day, along with your childs own drinks bottle.
Lunch Time:
Your child is welcome to join us for lunch if they attend all day or the morning session and will need their own packed lunch.The afternoon session starts after lunch so please make sure they have
eaten before they attend the afternoon session. Please ensure their lunchbox and drink that they bring is clearly named. We encourage healthy eating within pre school. Please make sure your child's
lunch does not contain nuts and that grapes /cocktail sausages are cut up to avoid choking incidents.
Fees will be payable for Pre-school hours for children who are not entitled to Government funding or for any hours over their entitlement– the current rate is £6.00 per hour.
We also charge an enhanced provision fee which is £0.39p per funded hour under 14 hours per half term. For 15 hours attended the cost is £35 per half term and for children attending for 15-30 hours the cost is £56 per half term.
Fee invoices are issued on a half-termly basis and are payable within 7 days of receipt.
When you register your child at Woodlands, you will be given a Fee Policy to sign which sets out the regulations you will be expected to follow.
Early Years Education:
We also accept EYE funding for eligible 2 year olds and over. From the term following your child’s 2nd Birthday, he/she is entitled to 15 hours per week free Pre-school hours. At the beginning of each term, you will be given a Parent EYE Form to sign upon which you must note the hours your child is attending the setting, the hours you wish to claim the grant for and whether or not your child attends another setting.
You can share your 15 hours between two settings.
If you wish to claim less than 15 hours per week, you cannot increase these hours during the term. If you would like to take up more hours before the start of the next term, it will be on a fee paying basis.
Increase in Funded Hours
Funded hours have been increased from September 2017, to 30 hours per week for some eligible families. To apply for these hours, go to Allow around 20 minutes to complete the application. You will be given a code which you will then need to use at pre-school when claiming funding.
Child Care Vouchers:
We accept vouchers from a range of different schemes.
2 Year Old Early Years Education Funding:
Woodlands pre-school is set up to support children from 2 years old who are eligible to receive free early education funding. To check eligibly criteria please contact Hampshire County Council
or ask a member of staff.